If there’s one such accessory that enhances our overall look in a way nothing else can, it is a handbag. Handbags of any size and color have the potential to make anyone look much more attractive and stylish. There’s nothing you can’t do with a great handbag. Handbags are never a waste of money because they have style as well as utility. Whether it is a small size or a big one, all bags have their own importance and definition. You can carry them to all those occasions where you want to create a style statement of your own. Bags are highly attractive pieces of accessories and to make sure, they fulfill their purpose, we have listed a proper guide as to how you should choose the perfect bag for yourself. There are a lot of factors that determine choosing the right bag for the right occasion in the right size.
Read on to know how you should make an ideal choice and flaunt in style-
What is the occasion?
The foremost thing you should keep in mind while choosing the right bag for yourself is the occasion you’re aiming at. There are a lot of occasions where you have to decide how to pick the perfect outfit and perfect bag to look like a stunner. There is a very thin line between dressed and overdressed so make sure you pay attention to details while dressing. If it is an evening party, pick a nice party clutch in sequin and shiny features. If it is for your office party, prefer a nice formal satchel bag that will highlight your elegant side. Go for metallic, flashy features in different designs so that you have a lot of options for every outing.
The right choice of Color
There’s no limit to picking the right color for a bag. Everything is good until it matches with everything. The word matching in the fashion industry doesn’t mean that you should match the same colors together. It means different items should blend together to make you look perfect. Pick a classic neutral bag like beige and navy for your official meetings. Pick neon colors and bright hues for casual lunches. You can also go for Aztec prints and dramatic patterns for your vacation. The color palette has a wide range of options so be playful and let it all sink in your closet!
An appropriate size
The size of the bag really matters because what we’re about to tell you is a fact. If you pick a wide bag that is bigger than your body size, it will make you look wider. Yes. Hard to believe but it’s true. The fashion trends are tricky and you need to understand every bit of them. They give an illusion of something that wasn’t intended in the first place. So go for an appropriate size according to your own size. Also, carrying a tote bag to a night party or carrying a clutch to the office is definitely not the right pick. Got the hint?
The length of the hanging
This is another important factor while deciding on the right bag for yourself. The length of the hanging is very important because it will make you look casual and formal respectively. Choosing a long hanging for your bag is a very casual pick and is appropriate for lunches and casual dates. If you want to go to a formal event, always look for a small string and it will enhance your elegance at a party. You can also pick bags that have adjustable straps so that they will solve the purpose of all fancy and regular events.
The shelf life of a bag
Every bag has its own utility and shelf life so it is very important to analyze how long you will use it. Depending on the budget, pick a bag that will solve your purpose for a longer time and not go in vain. Analyze your budget and then pick your bag. If you pick a tote bag it will have a longer shelf life and solve your purpose for many occasions. Chain string bags will look fancy no matter how many decades pass. You don’t want to waste your money so have your pick very carefully!